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Soulmate Reiki


By Stephanie Brail

Are you longing for “The One”?

Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together.



By Stephanie Brail

Are you longing for “The One”?

Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together.

This system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones).

This is a one-level system that includes one soulmate symbol. You will also learn a simple technique to clear out negative energetic attachments that might be blocking soulmate connections. your Highest Expression as a Soul.


– distance attunments
– manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
– certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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