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Inner Sun Reiki


Inner Sun Reiki combines and teaches several schools of thought from Usui Reiki, GTummo, Kundalini and others


By Jeanne Garner

Inner Sun Reiki combines and teaches several schools of thought from Usui Reiki, GTummo, Kundalini and others. Below are the outlines of the four manuals you will receive:

Inner Sun Beginner’s Manual
Hand Positions
The Standard Set
Other Hand Position Sets: Chakra Balancing
Acupoint Based Hand Position Set
Working With Clients: The Healing Session
The Meditations
1. A Gentle Chakra-Lights Meditation
2. Working With The Gtummo Fires
3. Gtummo Meditation Using Hand Positions
A Word About Ethics
What About Charging For Your Work?
Pets, Plants And Automobiles
Further Explorations

Inner Sun Manual For 2nd Degree Students
The symbols

Inner Sun Teacher’s Manual
New Symbols For Your Teaching Toolbox
Your New Inner Sun Teacher Symbols
Drawing The Symbols
Performing Attunements
About Inner Sun Attunements
The First Degree Attunements
Teachers And Students
Students And Students
What Is The Purpose Of All These Steps In An Attunement?
Violet Breath Exercise
Healing Attunement
Innersun Reiki I Initiatory Attunement
Attunement I
Attunement II
Attunement III
Attunement IV Innersun Reiki II Initiatory Attunement
Innersun Reiki Personal Mastery Or IIIa Initiatory Attunement Inner Sun Reiki Teacher Level Initiatory Attunement
Attuning Yourself
Distance Attunements
Practice Attunements
General Notes

Inner Sun – 4th Manual
Inner Sun Symbols and how to draw them.

– four distance attunements
– four manuals
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
– certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

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