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My name is Jennifer Greene.

I am an intuitive visionary empathic seer and facilitator; a bio-energy healer with over 17 years’ experience as a Sekhem/Reiju/Reiki energy healer and master teacher. My massage modalities include Lomi Lomi (Traditional Hawaiian) massage, and Thermo-Auricular therapy (Hopi Ear-Candling).  In 2018, I trained and qualified with the IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practitioners).

The way I work is constantly evolving with spiritual guidance from my ancestors, guides, helpers, deities and teachers. By using my life experiences, gifts and abilities – I research, study and help support clients to access their own latent power for healing and intuiting their purpose by combining many different energy systems, schools of thought and the wisdom of ancient indigenous traditions in my holistic ‘medicine chest’. Thus, the creation of Greenelight Academy of Healing and Pakhet’s Temple came into being to help people on their path/journey.

Working with many different beautiful energy systems, schools of thought and ancient indigenous traditions and knowledge that I have studied over the years, it’s about finding the right combination of therapies and tailoring to create a programme for each individual..  We are living in a very powerful turbulent time; you have so much potential, purpose and energy available to use and create what you need – time to go in and access it.

  • Founder: Greenelight Academy of Healing / Pakhet’s Temple of Massage & Crystal Healing
  • BSc Hons Business & Marketing
  • SNHS Dip Crystal Healing
  • IAKP Kambo Practitioner
  • Master Energy Healer & Teacher: Sekhem & Cartouche, Usui Teate (Reiju) & Reiki, Bio-Energy Healing
  • Massage: Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Hot & Cold Stone Massage
  • Thermo-Auricular Therapy (Hopi Ear Candling)
  • Registered Metaphysician & Chartered Member – World Metaphysical Association (WMA)
  • Registered Holistic Health Practitioner – Accreditation Council of Holistic Healers (ACHH)





FB: Greenelight Academy of Healing / Greenelight Healing / Greenelight Kambo / Sekhem Energy Healing

Insta: @GreenelightHealing

Mobile: +44 (0)7490 786 326